Welcome to Kehilas Torah Temima
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 21 , 2024Nishei Women's Pre-Yomim Noraim Shiur
Shabbos, Sep 21st 11:15a to 12:00p
Sunday ,
SepSeptember 22 , 2024Nishei Sheitel Washing & Styling, and Pre-Yuntif Makeup Tutorial
Sunday, Sep 22nd 7:30p to 9:30p
KTT Zelle Account
Thank you to our Kiddush Sponsors this week:
Silver Sponsorship
Adina & David Yedlin l'zecher nishmas Adina's grandmother, Sarah Rivka Bas Moshe Yosef A"H, whose Yahrzeit is the 14th of Elul.
Bronze Sponsorship
Beth & Lew Gray in honor of Lew's birthday
Breindy & Ariel Lewis in honor of their son Rafi’s 1st birthday
Platinum Pediatric Dentistry in honor of its Grand Opening
Steven Friedman in honor of his children Jacob, Rachel & Benjamin Friedman
Bracha & Yaakov Hacker in honor of their son Ariel’s 2nd birthday
Ilana & Alex Mermelstein in honor of the Board
To sponsor next week please click here.
Mazal tov to Chana Sara and Brian Goldstein on the birth of a baby boy!
Welcome to our newest members:
Avigail and Aryeh Bienstock
Shani and Eli Sears
Thank you to the anonymous donor of new toys for the toddler's playroom!
Over the next few weeks we will be implementing the CSS Security program. We will need volunteers - if interested, please fill out this form or reach out to Kenny Stiefel for additional information.
Membership 5785
Membership bills for 5785 have been sent out and timely payments are critical. If you have not received a bill via email or if you are not a member and would like to become one, please email or Whatsapp the Board. To see the letter from the Board regarding membership please click here.
The seating forms for Yomim Noraim 5785 have been sent out.
Click here to sign up for seats
Click here to sign up for babysitting
Please take note of the upcoming Nishei events and flyer below:
Nishei Women's Pre-Yomim Noraim Shiur: Shabbos, September 21 at 11:15am
Nishei Sheitel Washing & Styling, and Pre-Yuntif Makeup Tutorial: Sunday, September 22 at 7:30pm
Save the date:
Sunday, September 29th, there will be a sofer at the Shul for people to bring their tefillin and mezuzahs to be checked and repaired as necessary. Please see the flyer below for more information and the form here to sign up.
In conjunction with the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, the community is excited to welcome Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz who will be speaking on September 29th at 7:00pm. Please see the flyer below for more information.
Have Something to Share?
Reach out to Kehilas Torah Temima on WhatsApp