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If anyone is in need of a Sukkah or meals for Yontif/Shabbos Chol Ha’Moed, please reach out to the Shul Whatsapp.

Please note that there will NOT be groups over Yontif/Shabbos Chol Ha’Moed.

Welcome to our newest members, Erica & Avi Bodoff!

Thank you to the two anonymous sponsors of our new bookcases, which were sponsored l’zecher nishmas:

צבי ברוך בן עוזר

אסתר בת צבי

יוסף בן מרדכי

אברהם יוסף בן חנוך מאיר

עטל בת צבי אלימלך הכהן

In lieu of the Simchas Torah luncheon this year, we are excited to announce that we will be having an enhanced kiddush for the entire Kehila following davening on Simchas Torah. Challah rolls will be available for people to wash. We are looking for the Kehila to sponsor this event.

For sponsorships, please click here.


Membership 5785

Reminder that membership bills for 5785 have been sent out and timely payments are critical.

If you have not received a bill via email or if you are not a member and would like to become one, please email or Whatsapp the Board. To see the letter from the Board regarding membership please click here.

Click here for the Steinberg Meal Train


Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

KTT Zelle Account


Have Something to Share?

Reach out to Kehilas Torah Temima on WhatsApp

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785