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Shmini Atzeret & Simchas Torah 5784 Youth Events

Saturday, October 7, 2023 22 Tishrei 5784

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Next DayKTT

•Youth Department Schedule

Shabbos, October 7: Shmini Atzeres (Tishrei 22)
9:00am Youth Groups (ages 3 - 10)
10:00am Mommy and Me (age 4 and below)


3:15 pm Pre-Simchas Torah Candy Decorating
Led by our Youth Director Morah Aviva

Simchas Torah Night –
Children's Hakafah not before 7:45pm
Complete with
-KTT Bags!!! Plush Torah’s!!! SIMCHAS TORAH FLAGS !!!, Pechalach, Candy & Treats

Simchas Torah Day
Youth Harkafah not before – 10:45 AM
Immediately following the children’s Hakafah will be the Children’s Kiddush


Thank you to all the sponsors for our wonderful Simchas Torah Treats:

Pre-Simchas Torah Candy Activity, KTT Bags, Simchas Torah Flags, and Candy

by Nosson & Rena Reichmann for the Yahrzeits of Yitzchak Isaac Ben Dovid Tuvia

Plush Torahs, Simchas Torah Flags & Large candy by two anonymous sponsors

for a Refuah Shleima for דניאלה רחל בת ברינה שולמית

Pekalech & Youth Kiddush sponsored by Leon & Aliza Peled

for a Refuah Shleima

for Chaim Dov Ben Minna Rochel, Yisroel Meir Ben Daphne  L’Iylui Nishmat Rachel Miriam bat Shimshon Reena Leah bat Mordechai Eliyahu Halevi.



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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784